Here is the list of all participants that entered the competition for the annual cocktail robotic awards 2022.
iPhone Lollipops Anna Vasof You use it with your tongue, because those phones got the right spirit. You get them as iPhone sour and iPhone piña. |
Amalettomat 2.0
The perfect combination of mechatronics and gluttony! Amalettomat creates wonderful crepes, automagically! And the dough contains alcohol! Alcohol for eating! And: it's a brand-new machine, built from scratch. |
Franz Ablinger, Heidi Trimmel
It runs around in your bar and keeps your toddler (and elder children) busy while you enjoy a cocktail. This year an air pistol has been included in the robot. |
Blackout Kaffee mit Schuss
If you are in a blackout, you have lots of time for a coffee. Luckily this machine works with battery and solar cells. It produces a caffe corretto - and you can choose from four liquors. |
An Eye For An Eye
Thomas Preindl
Feed me and I will feed you. A change of perspectives. |
Franz Ablinger
Animated cocktailbar visuals for robotic bars. |
The Cocktail Maker
Christine Story and Rich Gibson
A cocktail robot based on Hello Drinkbot, the open source cocktail robot. Produces 10 fine drinks with special ingredients. |
The Shocking Robot
Christine Story and Rich Gibson
The more shocking it gets, the stronger the drink will be. Can you stand it? |
Cocktailrobot Home Delivery Service
Roboexotica 2020 could not be held due to the Corona lockdown. Hence we put some robots in a van and drove as a delivery service on telephone order to customers to prepare a robotic cocktail on the street. The team could be followed via live stream. Robot developers from all over the world were tuned in for interviews in the car. The video of last year's campaign can be seen in the exhibition because of its great success (and extension of the corona measures) the happening was repeated in 2021. |
Old Sparky
Reinhard Sprung
Electrocute your sausage - American style. Approved by local services in Austin, Texas. |
Homeopathic Cocktails
Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom)
Enjoy homeopathic Cinnamon Tequila Hot Toddy and Long Island Ice Tea.
Info about used dilutions:
24X/12C (10^−24)
Has a 60% probability of containing one molecule of original material if one mole of the original substance was used.
60X/ 30C (10^−60)
Dilution advocated by Hahnemann (the inventor of homeopathy) for most purposes: on average, this would require giving two billion doses per second to six billion people for 4 billion years to deliver a single molecule of the original material to any patient. |
Freddy The Nugget
Roman Divotkey, Nora Loimayr and Manfred Schlägl
Grab a chicken and we will make some barfood for you! |
The Godess and The God of Alcohol They only occasionally appear in person. But as part of the exhibition, their crowns made of the finest beercans and their regalia are on permanent display. |
Nomen Nominandum (AKA The Layer Bot)
Heike Siegert and Markus Arming
This machine builds beatuiful-looking liqueur blend built up in layers. A dash of heavy liqueur at the end draws wonderful drops into the colourful, but actually undrinkable drinks. |
Interdimensional Cocktailportal
Christian Schüler
This machine should deliver cocktails by opening an interdimensional hole with a real portal gun. Something went wrong. Before opening Roboexotica 2022 it disappeared. Maybe a misconfiguration of the portal gun? We will never know. |