Here is the list of all participants that entered the competition for the annual cocktail robotic awards 2018.
12" pianist
Franz Ablinger, Jesse Zbikowski
Already shown in 2010, the pianist lost his head and a leg, when Jesse wanted to show him to the guests of a piano bar at the red light district on Gürtel Wien. The original music electronic by Phil Stearns got lost. For the 20 year anniversary of Roboexotica the pianist got a new head - and a leg in plaster (original work by Jesse Zbikowski trying to repair the broken bot). |
Apocalyptic Beer Pouring Machine (ACRA v20.0: Serving)
Ever tried to pour a bottle of Weissbier properly? Not easy, isn't it? This machine will help. Simply put a closed bottle of Franziskaner Hefeweizen beer and a glass in the machine and turn the crank. Environment friendly without any external power source. |
Action Tremor (ACRA v20.0: Gamification)
Nick Manseder
How does Parkinsons disease affect the body? You can try it out with this installation, that gives you the proper shake. Mixing cocktails will work quite well, but getting the ingredients might be a problem. |
Amalettomat 2.1 (ACRA v20.0: Food)
The perfect combination of mechatronics and gluttony! Amalettomat creates wonderful crepes, automagically! And the dough contains alcohol! Alcohol for eating! This year it completes the production process with an automatic napkin feeder. |
Franz Ablinger, Heidi Trimmel
It runs around in your bar and keeps your toddler (and elder children) busy while you enjoy a cocktail. |
Beer Curling Machine
Professional version of an old game played in pubs: Beer Curling! It's not easy to hit the goal. |
Blind Arena
Kaname Muroya, Petra Neumüller
Try to win the robot fight, controlled with your face mask. |
Cheer Beer (ACRA v20.0: Conversation)
You are sad? This machine will cheer you up with a beer. But only if you are really sad, because this machine has capabilities to watch your face! |
Cookie machina
Kaname Muroya, Petra Neumüller
You want a cookie? The answer is: no! |
Duke Bot
Kaname Muroya, Petra Neumüller
Serves The Duke Munich Dry Gin. A handcrafted machine for handcrafted liquor. |
Einarmiger Bsuff
Michael Eder, Sebastian Gehwolf, Erwin Nindl
The "einarmiger Bsuf" (engl.: one armed drunkard) is a sophisticated approach to combine two of mankind's greatest pleasures: Gambling and Drinking.
Not only does it serve more or less delicious and potent shots, it also gives you the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope. With a little luck you will be one of the few to receive a high class 12 year old single malt whiskey. And even if you don't win the jackpot you can still count yourself lucky.
Each player wins!
On a side note, it needs to be said that this machine increases addictive behavior exponentially (as a logical outcome of combining an addictive substance that is one of the leading causes of unnatural death in this county with an even more addictive activity that often leads to criminal behavior and financial ruin). But please don't let such depressing facts discourage you from playing. Fortuna is smiling at you!1! |
Flappy Booze
Tom Hlina
Play Flappy Birds. And be rewarded with a drink that represents your experience with that classic mobile game. |
Frame 2.0
Ryan Finnigan
Third annual Robobexotica interactive poster. Still a frame that pours you a shot. Well, it should pour a shot. But we lost the Drinkomat key last year - so no booze this year. Still it is nice to watch the blinkenlights. |
GTA Wave Enhancer (ACRA v20.0: Phuture Award)
Elisabeth Böhmwalder, Rosa Büchsenmeister, Christoph Kernstock, Bernd Reutterer, Ngadhnjim Sutaj, Lukas Traxler, Martin Walchshofer, Stefan Zapf
The Alpha Waves in your brain will determine the mix in your cocktail-glass. If your Alpha Wave activity is too low, you definitely need more Gin in your drink! And if you are perfectly relaxed, you will get a decent gin-tonic. |
Hit and Fun (ACRA v20.0: The Lime)
Thomas Kranabetter
This thing deserves the prize for the most politically incorrect machine. Hit the old lady and she will vomit in your glass. |
In Your Face
Reinhard Sprung
Right from the source. And down the drain. The perfect shot, delivered to your stomach on the short route. |
LEGO Mindstorm Dress
Michael Brandl
A LEGO adaption of Daredroid. This machine is worn like a shirt. Play a game of Truth or Dare and get your shot delivered. It comes straight from the heart. |
Light Robots for the Bar (ACRA v20.0: Other Achievements)
Alice Reichmann
These nice sculptures are made of waste plastic, that you can find in any bar easily. And they double as a bar lamp! |
Schrotty Mc Schrottface
Onkel Olli, Constantin von Hase
This year's reincarnation of Onkel Olli's "Schnapsorgel", "Booze Organ" or whatever you can remember to call it. Based on the hardware of Bartendro by Party Robotics, the Schnapsorgel is a logical step further into total carelessness. Fifteen freely definable ingredients leave room for completely new recipes. A Chaos Mode helps the undecided to his deserved alcohol intoxication. Cheers! Here's to you. |
Shoot em up!
Kaname Muroya, Petra Neumüller
Sho(o)t them, they are just robots! Yeat another implementation of the infamous "Rick and Morty" episode, where bug-like and alien "bureaucrats" are disguised robots. Depending on the shot count of each character, the alcohol rate will be determined. |
Skin Drunk!
Philipp Tiefenbacher, Moritz Riede, Clara Dunklee, Tom Peak, David Hradetzky, Stephanie Ness, Daniel Schatzmayr, Michael Schreiber, Dara Lucic; Metalab Vienna.
Deliver alcohol through your skin. The efficiency of intoxination will be measured and you get a certificate stating your skin throughput. |
Spass mit Mass
Reinhard Sprung
The latest invention in accuracy related drinking games and self-restraint. It not only tells you when and how much to drink - it also rewards you if you stay within your limits. Please note: Spaß mit Maß is not responsible for loss of memory, decency, and eyesight. Please ask your robot bartender for more information. |
monochrom feat. Thomas Preindl
The Spritzerbot is a cocktail robot which serves Kaiserspritzer, a mixed drink of wine, soda water and elderberry syrup. Its open and non-obfuscating design encourages one to explore the working mechanisms of the machine. The insignia was meticulously designed by Luis Utrillas. Prost! |
T.R.E.E. 2.0 (ACRA v20.0: Mixing)
Jakob Unterwurzacher, Harald Spitzwieser, Peter Reschenhofer, Peter Regner, Marcel Jira
T.R.E.E. 2.0 is a Recycling and Ecological Engine. Turn water into wine, beer into a tasty cocktail - or just recycle a cocktail mixed by a crazed cocktail robot! Recycling the old, stale drink T.R.E.E. 2.0 mixes a new, delicious one!
T.R.E.E. 2.0 is the successor of T.R.E.E. - a complete redesign of the fundamental processural bionic foundation results in vast improvements and allows a zero-moving-part design. Based upon a highly advanced gravity field energy harvesting system, the robot is operating 100% CO2 neutral and completely without electrical energy. A precisely balanced dynamic low pressure pneumatic control unit enables the instrument to upcycle wasted fluids into luscious spirits.
T.R.E.E. 2.0 raises the bar: While comfortably depositing your residual liquid at waist height, you can observe your cocktail being mixed and served at eye level. So: Enjoy some fine liquor and forget about the climate apocalypse! |