Home Navigationspfeil Roboexotica Navigationspfeil ACRA 2024
Annual Cocktail Robot Awards v24.0 (2024)

Your robot is supposed to have skills in either one of the following categories:

  1. Serving Cocktails: Your robot must be capable of delivering a pre-prepared mixed drink to a patron.
  2. Mixing Cocktails: Your robot must be able to prepare a mixed Cocktail.
  3. Interaction: Your robot must exhibit interaction/conversation skills befitting a Cocktail Bar situation.
  4. AI: A cocktail robot, blended with artificial intelligence. That's an unbeatable combination! Prove it!
  5. Bar food: Machines that produce and deliver food at the bar, as you need to eat well to keep drinking.
  6. Other Achievements in the Sector of Cocktail Culture: Carte blanche - convince us your contraption has anything to do with either Cocktails or Robots, ideally both!

If you want to submit a robot for ACRA v24.0, just point out what your cock-bot can do in your own words, include whatever documentation and visual material seems necessary and send it as an e-mail to or send a snail mail to

roboexotica c/o monochrom, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien, Austria EUROPE

The sixth category - other achievements in the sector of cocktail culture - may also be applied for with non-robot gadgets or inventions as well as mere concepts or documented ideas ...

The team reserves the right to adapt the categories to match the robots shown.

The best robots in each category will be awarded - and there are numerous special prices as well!

The deserving winners of the Annual Cocktail Robot Awards v26.0 (2024) were:

  1. Serving: Barback 2.0
  2. Mixing: C2H6O
  3. Interaction: Roboserve
  4. Bar Food: Chickenpunch
  5. AI: Rudo
  6. XXX: Adult Karaoke 3000
  7. Crustpunk: El Automate
  8. Experience: Air Mojito
  9. Open Source Award: the beGINnig
  10. Sustainability / Green Award: Rumkugelbahn
  11. Other Kind of Spirits: Gods Hemorrhoids
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